Can we trust in an all knowing all powerful God, who can perform miracles? Can we trust when He says go and when He says stay? Have you ever wondered what that phrase actually means?
I have, and when I ponder that phrase, it leaves me with more questions.
I start asking what does the word "here" mean how does it look in my everyday life?🤔
The image of me just trusting with blind faith pops up in my mind and it sends me into a tailspin of emotions. Can you relate? So what is the next step?
Mine has always been, don't make decisions by your emotions, wait for confirmation. When He speaks He always confirms His word. He is a good shepard that leads. Sometimes our own desires get in the way, but when we have conformation, even if it's not what we want, we go or stay, because we trust! Here I am, is easily said,but it's not easily followed up by action and sometimes it's blind faith.